Monday, July 2, 2012

My 2 Amazing Cousins

During everything that was going on, I had Ken to go home to and lean on and I had Irene to distract me. But the two people who always kept my spirits up were my two cousins, Jill and Kaelin.

Jill is my oldest cousin on my Dad's side. She is one person on this world that can make anyone and everyone laugh. My Daddy sees her and his face lights up. She has the squeaky voice and a thick Long Island accent that I find comforting. I know that I can always count on Jill whenever I need a good laugh or some reassurance.

Kaelin is my oldest cousin on my Momma's side, we grew up together. She is more like an older sister to me than a cousin.

Kaelin is the cousin I turn to when I need rational advice. Kaelin always knows what is best. Kaelin is the daughter of an NYPD officer, my Uncle Kevin. Uncle Kevin has a deeper voice than James Earl Jones and you can feel his voice in your chest before you can hear him. Kaelin and Uncle Kevin have always been very important figures in my life. Kaelin is always there to check on me, even without me knowing sometimes. I am truly blessed to have such a support system.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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