Momma was passed out on the chair again, I woke her up and she went to get us both coffee. I think the TV networks knew my Daddy and I loves Gibbs, because a marathon was on once again. I took Daddy's hand and sat next to him to watch our shows together. I kept looking up at the monitors to keep a watch on his heart beat and blood pressure, but everything stayed pretty okay. This would be our days together for the next week. I brought my laptop to the hospital and my professors were nice enough to let me complete my work from there for the week. I just couldn't see how I could leave my Daddy alone and his room had a bathroom with a shower so I was good to go. Plus, I knew I could not handle the questions my classmates would have, or the dreaded, "I know how you feel." The truth is, you never know how someone else feels. There is no one in the world that could possibly know how it feels to be a 21 college student with a Daddy who has cancer. Trying to find the strength to keep up with school work, be my Daddy's motivation, be my Momma's support system, and still be a good girlfriend to Ken. I hadn't even thought about going back to work yet, couldn't think about anything yet, I was too numb trying to be what my family needed me to be.
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