Wednesday, June 27, 2012

a little about my family and I...

Both sides of my family are from Long Island, New York. My mother's side is 100% crazy Irish and my father's side is part Irish and part German. My parents met through the wanted ads of their local newspaper and later found out that they grew up just blocks apart but never knew it because they went to different school districts.

I was born in 1990 in Farmingdale, NY and two years later my father's job brought us to Maryland. A year and half later from then my little brother was born, and he has been a pain in my butt ever since. My parents have always been hard working people with huge hearts. My mother especially, working as a visiting nurse, a nurse administrator, and now she works to help people get their health care to cover what it needs even f that means going to court for them. Little did we know that years later we would need her health care expertise for our own because without it our family would have been lost and mistreated.

I love my family. "Always and forever, no matter what," as my mother used to say at bed time.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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