It was finally time to bring Daddy home again. We had it all planned out with our insurance company, but just our luck... It was change of shift at the nursing home--- which meant we had to chase down the charge nurse and the doctors wouldn't stand still long enough to sign any of the discharge paper work. After waiting over an hour for these idiots to sign the papers they needed to, we decided to just pack everything up and put it into the car and maybe after all of that they'd be done when we were done...
No such luck, Momma decided no, we would not wait for them, because if it became dinner time we would have to pay out of pocket for another day at the nursing home. So we got Daddy into the wheel chair and made our way down the hall to the lobby. The charge nurse saw us and came running like we were making a prison break. Momma just told her, "we refuse to wait until your convenience, his health already has suffered enough from you people." The look on the charge nurse's face was priceless, and I pulled around our car to make it easier for Daddy to get in. The doctor came running with the discharge papers, Momma signed them and when she turned around he was gone, so she left them on the smokers bench out front, no way we were stepping a foot back into that Hell hole.
We got Daddy in the car and began to drive off... My heart started to feel so much better, no longer gripped with anger. I realized Daddy was silently crying, so I reached from the backseat to hold his hand... The whole drive home. We got off our hometown exit and Daddy noticed all the new stores and restaurants since the last time he'd been on that side of town. I could tell it really made him feel uneasy to notice how long he'd been in and out of the hospital and nursing home. I just tightened my grip on his hand and told him, " Daddy, I promise that you will never go back to that nursing home, I won't allow it, no matter what." he tightens his half of the grip and his tears seem to slow, but not stop.

We pull into our neighborhood, it had just gotten dark. I think Daddy liked that because he wouldn't feel like such a spectacle to our neighbors if it's dark out. When we get to the house I go inside and put his wheelchair just inside the door, grab his walker, and put his crutch at the bottom of the stoop. I open his car door and hold the door steady so he can use it to pull himself up. I like to walk by his side while he uses the walker, instead of behind him. So it feels like we are just walking, not that I'm bracing myself to lay my body out if he were to go falling. We go up the first stair of our walkway, I have to be behind him to steady his hips. Then I go back to his side as we walk to the stoop. He grabs the railing with his right hand, I put his walker at the top of the stoop and give him his crutch that helps him up the stairs. The first stair is very deep, I have to take him by his waistband and push his hips up because he is just not strong enough to pull his whole body weight up with just his arms. We make it through the front door and he almost falls into his wheelchair. I wiped the tears from his face so that Momma wouldn't see he had been crying. Momma comes in the house just after, with some of Daddy's belongings in bags from the nursing home. I just wheel Daddy into the kitchen and put the wheelchair up the table. I start making shepherds pie, Daddy's favorite, and that's it... My Daddy is home, I never want him gone again, ever.
Once the shepherds pie is in the oven, I kiss Daddy on his bald spot on the top of his head, and hug him as tight as I can without hurting him. This is our new life, Daddy's sick, making my family sick in turn, but I knew we would be alright somehow... Our New Life.
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