I just got Daddy washed up, changed, and back into bed. He is completely pitiful now and worst of all, he knows it. I can see on his face that he is humiliated by the fact that I have to help clean him up because he can't do it himself. His shingles spot on his back bleeds through it's bandages every day, he has two huge bruises on his abdomen from where he has been giving himself blood thinner injections... He's a mess. My dad used to be so prideful and I always saw him as indestructible, now he just lets me wash him up, and change him, and I help him lift his legs back into bed, but in my eyes he is still just as indestructible as ever.
I have never written a blog before, but I think that this might help me to cope with what has been going on in my life. If someone could benefit from my experience, it would make my pain worth living through. The fight against cancer is one that needs everyone supporting one another. For readers, this blog is written chronologically, if you would like to read the blog from the beginning, the first post is on Wednesday June 27th, 2012. Thank you :)

Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Monday, May 20, 2013
It's been a while
It's been quite a while since I've even thought to post, crazy last semester of undergrad, wedding planning, madness!
Daddy is worse than ever unfortunately, in so much pain, can barely make it to the bathroom without full out crying, it's miserable and I hate it! I hate every second of it. We have an MRI this week to try to figure out his pain, but no doctor has been able to help him yet.
This whole ordeal makes getting excited for the wedding very hard... It's all bittersweet, I have to have a "with dad" and "without dad" game plan. It's horrible, I feel terrible even doing it, but I don't have a choice...
With dad, I won't be able to enjoy myself because I'll be worried about him the whole time, and mom will be nurse the whole time, a lot of my family acts like they have to be G rated around him and it's makes us all feel uncomfortable.
Without dad, I won't be able to enjoy myself because I'll be thinking about him the whole time, mom will be alone, everything will suck.
So yay wedding!